Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to have a good day

Yesterday was a bad day, and here's why: I spent the entire day trying to escape reality. I was plugged into an audiobook I was really enjoying, which should have made for a good day, but dealing with shopping and homework and bedtime were all annoyances. Lets just say I needed an attitude adjustment.

 Today, on the other hand, was a good day. I grounded myself from my favorite distraction and stayed tuned in to life. I stuck  with  my schedule where it  was necessary, working on jobs around the house, but remained flexible too, ditching the Y for a beautiful walk in the woods with Marshall. I was able to get a paperwork problem under control, which I cannot manage while being  preoccupied.
True Marshall ran outside to the dirt pile more than once and needed an outfit change. He smashed his granola bar into the floor, snuck food from the kitchen as I was making dinner, emptied a shampoo bottle onto the bathroom at large, and tried to wipe his own bottom and ran outside stark naked, pleased to show to the world he now had a "tail" (made of toilet paper). But I was able to laugh, because I was THERE!
So, even if today isn't a momentous day, and your biggest accomplishment is that you now have 3" extra counterspace, don't leave that reality to escape to a better place, stick around and make  it a better place!